TAIPEI - Many rumors circulated, on the Acer would withdraw from the tablet PC and smartphone market, but the company's founder, Stan Shih has denied these rumors. According to him, although the operation Acer tablet is not going well, but not time to give up.
Reported by Digi Times, Monday (12/26/2011), Shih said, experienced frustration is a process that can not be avoided. Just as the problems encountered when entering Acer notebook market.
Acer's board of directors had discussed the company's product development and streamlining of its organization. Moreover, it also has approved the strategy of simplifying the operational objectives through a focus on profitable products.
Shih explained that currently the development of tablet PCs and smartphones have overlapping. So that by simplifying the organization is expected to improve product efficiency and strengthen the resources to develop competitive products.
Acer re-affirm denial of the rumors, stating do not have plans to come out of the tablet PC and smartphone business operations, but will make optimal adjustments to reduce the number of product models by choosing a selective and strategic use of operational resources.